When my wife and I met with her friend to help us fix and manage our finances, one of the things she told us is that we should know our goals. Walang kwenta ang save nang save nang di mo alam kung saan mo gagamitin ito. Makikita mo nga siyang lumalaki, pero mauubos din sa biglaang sale kasi wala siyang pinaglalaanan.

We knew what one of our main goals were: education funding. We promised our kids they’ll reach their dream of becoming doctors and we want to deliver on that promise.

And since we were discussing dreams anyway, tinodo ko na and said I wanted my kids to study in the best schools in the country. Lahat naman tayong mga magulang, pangarap yun di ba?

So, she told us, to know roughly how much our goal is, we have to know the current prices of the school tuition in our chosen schools. From there, factor in the inflation, the number of years we have to save up, then she came up with the projected numbers.

She gave us the Projected Annual Tuition Fee table.

Nanlaki mata ko nung nakita ko yung projections. Nagulat ako sa laki ng numbers na binigay niya. And it is just for one kid. We have two. A lot of questions started flooding my head. Is this real? Can we afford this? Will we have to break our promise?

She noticed my – our – surprise, and she tried to reassure us. She smiled, “Nakakalula, no?” I nodded and she continued, “The good news is that I can help you reach that goal.”

My wife and I finally breathed a sigh of relief. “What do we need to do?”

“So, we already know how to manage our finances. We just saw our goal amount, and we know when we will need the money. Now, let’s plan how we’ll reach that goal.”

She showed us options on how to reach our goal. She listened to our concerns. We discussed our plans. It wasn’t long before we both agreed on our financial plan.

Maganda pala sa pakiramdam yung napa-plano mo nang maayos mga pangarap mo.

Challenging? Yes! But she showed us it is possible to do it.

Feels great? Yes! We finally know where our sweldo goes.

Want the same thing for your kids? Talk to my financial consultant, Viv.

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